Harworth are now in the process of submitting a series of Planning Applications to Rotherham Borough Council for the Olive Lane development. The applications are currently in the process of being registered by the Council and this process may take a few weeks as all the documents are uploaded and verified. Once they are all fully registered we will post a link to all the detailed application documents here.
In the meantime please see below a description and basic summary of the different planning applications that are being submitted.
Four planning applications are being submitted by Harworth that together make up the Olive lane development:
Application 1: Enabling works and infrastructure
Application 2: Residential Parcels
Application 3: Olive Lane Mixed use Street; and
Application 4: Waverley Medical Centre
Whilst there are four separate planning applications, the overall development is very much part of the same overall project
The image below shows the different planning application areas. The enabling works application covers all of the site.

Application 1: Enabling works and infrastructure
This application essentially covers all of the preparation works and infrastructure to get the land ready for built development. It includes the following:
1. Details to change the level of the land on site to make it flatter and easier to build on. There will not be a dramatic change on site but the works will smooth the area to cater for the future development.
2. New access road that will extend from the existing access bell mouth onto Stephenson Way into the site. This road will provide direct access to the residential development parcels and the main Olive Lane car park. It will also provide a loop around the smaller residential block to a new access point on Stephenson Way as shown on the plan below.
3. Removal of the existing access towards the AMRC Training Centre car park and the provision of a new dedicated access to the Training Centre as shown on the plan below.
4. A new pedestrian crossing over Highfield Spring to help connect Olive Lane with the Advanced Manufacturing Park as part of an enhanced public transport hub based around the two existing bus lay-bys on Highfield Spring.
5. A retaining wall at the bottom of the embankment adjacent to Highfield Spring to help define the development area adjacent to the proposed supermarket.
6. Associated surface water and foul water drainage pipes to properly drain the proposed development.
7. New sub-stations to power the proposed development.
We hope that this application will be approved as soon as possible to allow these works to be undertaken this summer to allow the building works to start soon afterwards.

Application 2: Residential Development
As part of the overall masterplan for Olive Lane, we want to create a vibrant and lively place so to help create this, two higher density housing parcels are proposed. This application is in outline form. This means that the application includes a masterplan that shows where houses will be built but does not include the final detail housing designs. That will come later as part of future detailed planning applications by the future house builders. We are already working with two house builders who would deliver the housing here - more to come on this once we have agreed all the details. The outline application includes:
1. A masterplan for the proposed housing - see indicative plan below of the proposed houses.
2. Permission for up to 150 higher density family homes.
3. Provision of affordable homes.
We hope that this application will be approved this summer to allow housebuilding to commence at the end of 2021.

Application 3: Olive Lane Mixed Use Street
The heart of Olive Lane will be the mixed use street that will provide a range of units for a mix of uses. These are shown on the plans below and include:
1. A Supermarket.
2. A range of retail / mixed use units including coffee shops, retail, sandwich shop, pharmacy, restaurants, take-away, offices, a gym, 10 apartments on the upper floor and a community hub.
3. Landscaping along the high street including new steps from the street up to Highfield Spring to allow full access to the proposed transport hub with high quality public realm and a ultra cool slide for kids (and grown up kids!) to slide down into the High Street from Highfield Spring.
4. Associated car park with 209 spaces located at the entrance to the supermarket and rear of the mixed use units.
There is the potential that blocks A, B and C will be amended to change the design but this will be decided over the next few months.

Application 4: Medical Centre
The application for the medical centre includes a two storey building that will sit at the end of the new mixed use street closest to the existing residential area. Please see below computer generated images and floorplan of the building.